Useful links
Stichting Vredeswetenschappen
(SVW – Dutch Foundation for Peace Research)
SVW has been one of the initiators of the PCS Network. It has helped to set up various endowed chairs. It organizes a yearly “Visions on Peace” Master Thesis Prize. “De missie van Stichting Vredeswetenschappen (SVW) is het bevorderen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar, en onderwijs in, voorwaarden voor vrede, en het voor een breed publiek toegankelijk maken van de resultaten van dit onderzoek en onderwijs. Hierbij stimuleert SVW zo veel mogelijk interdisciplinaire samenwerking.”
Security History Network (SHN)
“The Security History Network (SHN) brings together scholars and students that consider security through this historical lens. The SHN is an academic platform for research dissemination, teaching and public outreach activities in the field of security history from the nineteenth century onward.”
Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung
(DSF – German Foundation for Peace Research)
“Die DSF soll das friedliche Zusammenleben der Menschen und Völker fördern. Sie soll mithelfen, Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen dafür zu schaffen, dass Krieg, Armut, Hunger, Unterdrückung verhütet, Menschenrechte gewahrt und die internationalen Beziehungen auf die Grundlage des Rechts gestellt werden. Sie soll ferner mithelfen, dass die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen und ihre Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowohl genutzt als auch für kommende Generationen erhalten werden.“
Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law
The Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law (the Platform) aims to jointly explore innovative approaches to emerging challenges in the field of security and rule of law in fragile and conflict affected contexts.
Dutch Peacekeeping Network
The Dutch Peacekeeping Network is an informal organisation bringing together professionals and academics with an interest in peacekeeping. The DPN creates a platform for exchange and discussion on peacekeeping and related themes.
Conveners: Tom Buitelaar,, Welmoet Wels,
VU Peace and Conflict Studies Centre
“PACS, the Peace and Conflict Studies Centre at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, is an inter-faculty scholarly network for research on the causes of political violence, on strategies to build peace and on the governance of conflict.”
The Flemish Peace Institute
“… mission statement: In order to contribute to a more peaceful society, in Flanders and worldwide, it is necessary to thoroughly examine and analyse developments related to peace and conflict and, following an open debate, to take steps to achieve this goal. The Peace Institute presents in-depth analyses, provides information and organises debates on these issues, and recommends measures to promote peace and prevent violence.”
Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance Group
In recent decades, there has been a growing divergence between the organisation of society and the inherited conceptual framework of the 20th century political sciences. The group seeks to re-examine established notions of identities, categorizations and boundaries defined by classical political science concepts through different forms of empirical investigation.
The Amsterdam Centre for Religion and Peace & Justice Studies
The Amsterdam Centre for Religion and Peace & Justice Studies is an academic centre to exchange ideas on peace and justice at the intersection of religion. The centre seeks to “create space for peace and justice” through the mutual exchange of ideas from insider and outsider perspectives. It also seeks to share these insights through education, various publications, and public lectures.